I like the tarot.
I’m not an expert, but I sometimes use them to read for clients and to find answers for myself.
To read the tarot well, I believe it’s a combination of using your intuitive sense, understanding the intention of each tarot card and connecting energetically with their client.
In short, TAROT is an art form.
It seems the earliest references to tarot date to the 1440s and 1450s. This is contrary to the general assumption that the tarot are thousands of years old.
The tarot started as a card game. Tarot cards used the standard Italian four face cards—king, queen, knight, and knave—for a total of 56 cards. The fool card was a wild card and there were 21 trump cards.
Tarot is a game of trick taking.
Even though there are many, mostly minor variations to the rules of the game, it hasn’t changed much since the 15th century.
It’s interesting to note that the tarot only became a tool of psychics, fortune tellers and the occult in the 19th century. The current day tarot has nothing to do with the medieval tarot cards.
So, I’ve created this series of short meditations based on the meanings of the Major Arcana as a creative way to share their significance. I’ve set them to music too. I hope you enjoy them.
In the spirit of engaging our spirits with something greater than ourselves, I’ve created a series of short meditations based on the meanings of the Major Arcana from the traditional tarot card deck.
I’ve set them to music too. I hope you enjoy them.
The Justice Card The Justice Card has to do with moral sensitivity, and that which gives rise to empathy and compassion, and a sense of fairness.
This card is about humane treatment of other living beings.
The Justice Card is saying you will need clear minded precision to make good decisions in your life.
Attend to the important details of decision making. Do not overlook anything or minimize.
The Justice Card represents the Law of Karma. What comes round, goes round.
On occasion, logical, rational laws are overridden by something hidden and perhaps paradoxical.
You then know that a higher order is at work. A divine perspective, if you will.
At times like these, it will not be possible to be fully informed.
The wise thing is to wait and watch, and keep listening.
Eventually chaos will resolve itself, and the truth will be revealed.
The Justice Card advises you to listen carefully as others explain to you their version of events.
Your role is to observe and be attentive. Listen with your full body.
Allow your intuition to penetrate what they are saying so that you can see deeper into the situation.
Subtle inferences and clues will reveal the truths that will help you make those wise and accurate decisions.
So says the Justice Card. Let it be so…
Let It Be So…
High Priestess Card Meditation
Meditation on the Emperor Card
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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