Sometimes it helps during the day to take a few deep breaths and let worries and tension that have built up to that point wash away.
Our breath is a built in mechanism for transformation and stress relief. Using our natural and organic tools for centeredness and change is becoming more and more critical everyday.
Below is the transcript of the 3 Minute Meditation to Just Breathe and below that is the static image video of the meditation.
My hope is that this meditation brings you to a point of calm quickly so you can carry on feeling stronger, calmer and more powerful.
Let it be so.
This is your three minute morning. Today, we’re going to be tuning into your breath. So, wherever you are, whether you’re standing, sitting, or lying down, just start to breathe deeply, and notice how the lungs expand.
Feel how your belly loosens and softens. As the lungs fill with air,
feel how the muscles gently pull the ribcage farther apart so that you can take in more air.
Experience the wonder that is your body,
how the process of oxygenating your cells happens so rapidly and smoothly with every breath you take.
Clearing your mind, filling your brain with life giving oxygen,
filling your blood with what it needs to keep pumping through your veins.
Feel the energy move through your body with every breath you take.
Know that this very ordinary event is truly miraculous.
Know that you are a beautiful human being.
You are unique. Your spirit is unlike anyone else’s.
With every breath you take, know that you are a miraculous creature.
Your breath is part of your life.
Let it fill you now and have a wonderful day.
Let it be so.
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Thank you for reading. I wish you many imaginative tales.
Renee is a voice over artist, writer/editor and coach for alternative thinkers —
This includes creatives, entrepreneurs, corporate innovators, whistleblowers and anyone bold enough to step outside the mainstream.
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