Developing a warrior mindset seems to be at the heart of all that’s been going on in the last few years and what 2025 will demand of us.
When I say warrior, I’m not talking about aggression. I’m talking about toughness.
Prophecies have spoken to the spiritual tribulations we are in now.
One must cultivate a warrior mindset to get through it.
To discuss that here, I’ve pulled inspiration from The Wheel of Time by Carlos Castenada.
Castenada was an American professor of Mexican descent who apprenticed with a Yaqui Indian from Mexico who was a master shaman.
He was known as don Juan Matus.
I read all the books Castenada wrote back in the 90s.
The wisdom buried in his books is almost without parallel in my opinion.
So, the discussion below is based on the experience Castenada had with his shaman, don Juan.
This is a time to tap our warrior energy. However, there is a catch to doing this though.
You can’t tap your warrior energy from a place of comfort.
It’s not as easy as just picking up the metaphorical shield just because it seems cool.
You’ve got to be pushed to it.
Below is a quote from a book by Carlos Castenada. He was an American of Mexican heritage who became an apprentice to don Juan Matus.
Don Juan was a Yaqui Indian and master shaman in Mexico. Matus came from a very long line of shamans. He spent approximately two decades as master shaman to Castenada.
Castenada wrote a series of books about his experience with don Juan in the 1990s. I read them all. I learned a lot.
Below is a quote from don Juan Matus that Castenada included in one of his books;
“The spirit of a warrior is not geared to indulging and complaining, nor is it geared to winning or losing.
The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior’s last battle on earth.
Thus the outcome matters very little to him.
In his last battle on earth a warrior lets his spirit flow free and clear.
And as he wages his battle, knowing that his intent is impeccable, a warrior laughs and laughs.”
Now I will say, don Juan Matus had a way of putting things that was a little hard to understand.
He was describing principles of energy and life here on Earth that were extremely abstract. So, an exacting definition or explanation is not possible.
It’s definitely not the ‘New Age’ spiritual jargon we have become used to.
However, I gained so much from Castenada’s books I feel it’s important to pass these lessons on.
So, let’s take a closer look at this quote in a way that will make it immediately applicable to these current crazy times….
“The spirit of a warrior is not geared to indulging and complaining, nor is it geared to winning or losing.”
I think this part of Matus’s quote is pretty standard when it comes to “the warrior’s way’” type of advice.
Complaining suggests a victim mindset and caring about winning or losing makes you too concerned with outcomes and what the world thinks’; which is just folly.
Both behaviors are not suited to the warrior.
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“The spirit of a warrior is geared only to struggle, and every struggle is a warrior’s last battle on earth. Thus the outcome matters very little to him. In his last battle on earth a warrior lets his spirit flow free and clear. “
Now it’s getting meatier.
‘Struggle’ I believe in this context, is both internal and external.
So, if the struggle is the ‘last battle on earth’ that a warrior engages in then that’s the mission.
For we either come out victorious from that victory or we die.
If we live, then there is another struggle to face. Either internal or external.
There is always struggle.
Have you ever met someone who is very comfortable in their life and sees no reason to spend effort on struggling?
Someone with decent health, gainful employment, a warm home and friends and family who treat them well.
People like this are often very, very nice and kind people. The type that will never cause undue problems.
They are wonderful people.
However, they’re not the kind you go to battle with.
They are not the kind you want to stand shoulder to shoulder with when there’s a break in, an attempted robbery, a workplace dispute, a notice of overdue payment, a disagreement with the neighbor, a call from the hospital or attending a funeral.
Any number of life’s challenges will have these very nice, kind people bowing out, staying silent and often, just disappearing.
That’s not the warrior’s way.
Although the warrior won’t care much one way or the other what the nice, kind person will do.
As the warrior accepts what is.
He let’s his spirit flow ‘free and clear’ as he wages his battle…
and there’s always another battle.
And as he wages his battle, knowing that his intent is impeccable, a warrior laughs and laughs.”
He wages his battle knowing that his intent is impeccable – impeccable being “In The Moment”.
Everything I read about the term ‘impeccable’ suggested to me that Matus was talking about living fully in the present moment when he used that term.
Absolute attention to the Now, while staying alert and relaxed.
As every good warrior should.
“…a warrior laughs and laughs.”
And of course, every good warrior waging battle will do so with true joy in his/her heart.
Laugh at yourself. Laugh at life.
Go ahead, laugh at the battles thrown your way.
When we live like a warrior, every battle become a joyful folly.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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