The concept and understanding of the human aura and the chakra system has its roots in ancient spiritual traditions such as Hinduism and Buddhism.
Modern day energy practitioners and spiritualist will say that a solid understanding the human aura is integral to their work.
They know they can not be effective if they don’t understand the energetic foundation of human existence.
After all, our aura is a reflection of and a contributor to a person’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
As someone who has spent decades in the energetic healing realm and who offers creative, life force energy based coaching, I want to offer a brief, but solid explanation of what our human aura is and does.
It’s similar to what doctors do when they study human anatomy. It’s hard to know how to cure something when you don’t know how it works in the first place. Right?
So, what is the Human Aura?
The human aura is an egg-shaped energy field that surrounds the physical body.
It’s what animates the body. It is of the etheric realm.
According to ancient science, aether was also known as the fifth element (or quintessence).
It’s the material that fills the region of the universe (which includes our bodies) or what many call “God” or “The Divine”.
In part, the human aura is also made up of electrostatic energy as well.
The human aura is said to reflect a person’s physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual states.
All things an individual experiences, whether internal or external will affect their aura.
Quantum physics has proven beyond a doubt that everything is made up of energy.
The frequencies of light and sound are the foundation of all physical matter.
Many others, scientist, philosophers and educated laypeople, believe there is coding in DNA. And in fact coding of all living things and structure of inanimate objects that determines their seemingly solid and mostly immovable nature.
This is good news.
It means things always change and there is a ‘blue print’ of sorts to follow to make changes.
Structure of the Human Aura
In simple terms, the aura is often described as having multiple layers, each with its own unique characteristics.
For generations, there have been 5 layers of the human aura. In modern times 2 more layers have been recognized which correspond to the seven major chakras.
They are as follows;
- 1st layer – Physical Layer (1st layer – Etheric Body): This is your auric layer closest to the physical body and is linked to physical sensations, health, and vitality. It typically extends a few inches from the skin and reflects the condition of the physical body.
- 2nd layer – Emotional Layer (2nd layer -Emotional Body): This layer contains the energy related to a person’s emotions. It often changes colors depending on the mood or emotional state of the individual. This layer sits a little farther away from the physical body than the physical body.
- 3rd layer – Mental Layer (3rd layer – Mental Body): The mental layer is associated with thoughts, beliefs, and mental processes. This 3rd layer sits farther away from the body than the first two layers. It holds patterns of thought, attitudes, personality and perspectives. When someone is sensitive to energy they will often pick up much energy from this layer about the person soon after they walk into a room.
It is very difficult to ‘hide’ the information in this (the 3rd) layer of the human aura.
- 4th layer – Astral Layer (4th layer – Astral Body): This layer acts as a bridge between the physical and spiritual dimensions. It represents love, compassion, and relationships, connecting to the energies of the heart chakra. It is this layer that is most effected by the relationship one has with the Divine/God.
- 5th layer – Etheric Template Layer: This layer is that of more modern understanding. It is the layer that is most connected with the scientific understanding of our energy. It is believed to maintain the structure and health of the physical form by influencing the etheric body. In more ancient understandings this layer would be considered part of the Astral layer.
- 6th layer – Celestial Layer: The celestial body is linked to intuition, enlightenment, and spiritual awareness. It is connected to higher emotions like unconditional love and joy, reflecting the person’s spiritual development. This layer, in ancient understanding is connected to the 5th Causal layer.
- 7th layer – Causal Layer (5th layer – Ketheric Template): This outermost layer represents the individual’s connection to the universe and higher consciousness. It is believed to hold all experiences and knowledge of the soul’s journey.
Introduction to the Chakra System
Chakras are energy centers within the body that play a vital role in the flow of energy.
Each individual has 114 chakras in their human aura. 112 are inside the body and 2 are outside.
Of the 114 chakras in the human aura, 21 are minor chakras and 86 are micro chakras.
Of the 114, there are seven major chakras and one of these is present outside the body. It’s the crown chakra, which is directly over the head region. The 21 minor chakras are distributed all over the body.
The word “chakra” means “wheel” or “disk” in Sanskrit.
This term also implies a circular motion of energy in these centers.
Think of the 7 major chakras as horizontal tornadoes open at both ends. They emit and receive energy at either end.
The seven major chakras align along the spine, from the base to the crown of the head, and each one corresponds to specific physical, emotional, and spiritual attributes

The 7 Major Chakras: The Characteristics
Each chakra is associated with a particular color, element, and vibrational frequency.
Below is a breakdown of the seven major chakras:
1st Major Chakra – Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Location: Base of the spine
Color: Red
Element: Earth
Attributes: Represents stability, survival instincts, grounding and dealing with the collective or tribal aspects of humanity. It influences physical health, the adrenal glands, and the lower body.
Imbalance Symptoms: Feeling insecure, anxious, or ungrounded; physical issues with the legs or lower back.
2nd Major Chakra – Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana)
Location: Lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel
Color: Orange
Element: Water
Attributes: Governs creativity, sexuality, pleasure, emotions and one on one relationships. It is linked to the reproductive organs and the sense of well-being.
Imbalance Symptoms: Emotional instability, lack of creativity, sexual dysfunction, or excessive dependency.
3rd Major Chakra – Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Location: Upper abdomen, stomach area.
Color: Yellow
Element: Fire
Attributes: Associated with personal power, confidence, self-esteem and self identity. It regulates metabolism and the digestive system.
Imbalance Symptoms: Low self-esteem, feelings of powerlessness, digestive issues, or anger problems.
4th Major Chakra – Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Location: Center of the chest
Color: Green
Element: Air
Attributes: Represents love of self and others, compassion, empathy and connection to all things. It influences the heart, lungs, and immune system.
Imbalance Symptoms: Emotional detachment, inability to give or receive love, heart or respiratory problems.
5th Major Chakra- Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Location: Throat
Color: Blue
Element: Ether (Space)
Attributes: Controls all types of communication, language, creative self-expression and truth. It influences the vocal cords, thyroid, and neck.
Imbalance Symptoms: Trouble expressing thoughts, fear of speaking, sore throat, or thyroid issues.
6th Major Chakra – Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Location: Middle of forehead, between the eyes.
Color: Indigo
Element: Light
Attributes: Governs intuition, insight imagination and spiritual awareness. It connects to the mind, eyes, and pineal gland.
Imbalance Symptoms: Lack of clarity, poor intuition, headaches, or difficulty seeing the bigger picture.
7th Major Chakra – Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Location: Top of the head
Color: Violet or white
Element: Thought or Cosmic Energy
Attributes: Represents spiritual connection, enlightenment, inspiration, Divine Universal Energy and the unity with this universal Divine Power. It affects the brain, nervous system, and consciousness.
Imbalance Symptoms: Feeling disconnected from spirituality, closed-mindedness, excessive judgement or chronic depression.
How the Aura and Chakras Interact
The human aura and the chakra system work together as part of an intricate energy network.
The aura layers protect and reflect the energy of the chakras, while the chakras serve as energy centers that regulate the flow of energy throughout the body.
An imbalance in one of the chakras can manifest in the corresponding aura layer, influencing a person’s physical, emotional, or mental well-being.
Maintaining a Balanced Aura and Chakra System
To maintain a balanced human aura and chakra system, practices like meditation, yoga, energy healing and mindful living are often recommended.
These activities help to clear blockages, restore energy flow, and promote harmony within the body and mind.
So does creativity based, life force energy coaching. My combination of life suggestions and energy healing work helps you to move through blocks FAST! Check it out here…
I hope this article has given you the basic fundamentals of how the human aura works along with the 7 major chakra system.
An understanding of our energy system helps us get the most out of it. You can develop greater self-awareness, heal past traumas, and cultivate a deeper connection with your inner self and the world around you by knowing more about your own human aura.
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Very good analysis of the chakras. Thanks and blessings