The Free Writing Exercise can be used when you are trying to find a workable solution for something and you’re feeling stuck.
Essentially, this exercise allows you to come at your challenge from different directions which ultimately leads to a better solution.
What IS Free Writing?
Free Writing is allowing yourself to physically write down a stream of consciousness from your mind about the topic at hand. You allow yourself no interference or judgements to enter. As a result, the possibilities stack up.
Although this is a very simple concept, it can be quite difficult for some to allow themselves to do this exercise without criticism.
As well, there are many who do not have thoughts at all about the challenge they’re facing. Their imagination is currently stunted. It will take practice to unblock it.
How To Free Write
When you Free Write, concentrate on the problem at hand. Take 10 or 20 seconds (or longer if you want) and see the problem in your head. Define it in your mind. Name it.
If you have a faith in a Higher Power and Universal Force; ask directly.
If you do not believe in an omniscient force ask the Power of Life or Mother Nature for an answer.
We are all a part of a Greater Whole. To a large extent it can be thought of as a storehouse of creative energy and inspiration waiting and available from us.
Let your thoughts flow as they will toward a solution. Put pen to paper and write down whatever comes into your mind. If you see pictures write that down or draw it if you like. If you hear words then write those.
You may only get bits and pieces of something and that’s fine. Write those pieces down.
Don’t judge it. Don’t go back and correct the spelling or grammar or punctuation.
If you can’t think of anything, then write that down. Honestly.
If you really can’t think of anything you are probably not used to tapping into your own creative capacities.
Again, there is no judgement here.
We live in a society that actively blocks the imagination and creativity of people starting from childhood. So, you are not alone. It just takes some practice. I know. I was there.
The benefit of Free Writing is that you shut down that negative inner voice, at least for a short while.
You also allow yourself to explore solutions to problems you would never have thought of before because of the mind interference.
Create Boundaries For Free Writing
Your Free Writing can be much more focused when you give yourself boundaries to work within.
For example, set a time limit of 10 or 15 minutes or even less if you feel like you can’t come up with that many ideas. You could even set an alarm or use a kitchen timer.
Perhaps you can set a space limit. For example, you decide to fill three full pages in your notebook with solution ideas and won’t stop until all those three pages are filled. Then just Free Write until you achieve that goal.
Of course, you can do this on a computer or with pen and paper. If you are typing in a document on your computer, make sure your speed of entering the words can keep up with your thoughts.
The most important point is that you continue Free Writing even if you think you’re saying nothing.
Word must follow word, regardless of relevance. That’s a Free Writing principle.
If you need help relaxing so you can get in the flow of Free Writing, why not try one of my guided meditations…

When The Free Writing Is Over
When you’re done with your Free Writing goal, read back over the text.
There will be many filler and unusable thoughts and grammar mistakes, but there will also be gems of insight.
When you find the gems, create an ideas file or folder for them. Either on your computer or in a physical envelope or file. You can create a ‘solutions sheet’ so you can quickly look them over deciding which one is best to implement.
Now, even if you don’t write any gems, you’ll still have benefits. Let’s take a closer look at those benefits;
You will have gained momentum toward a solution, even though you are not yet there.
You will feel more powerful because you took action on a problem or challenge.
You’ve now begun a “practice” of Free Writing. This could lead to wonderful outcomes in the future.
You can apply Free Writing to any problem, challenge or question. You can be as broad or as specific in your approach as you want.
The applications are nearly endless.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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