Everyone lives with fear to some extent or another. Even if it’s the kind of fear that only comes up as a warning to keep you safe.
That is Not This.
In this short segment we address low levels of fear that are present almost always. Many times it is illogical and irrational to have these types of fears because there is nothing in your environment that would warrant the feelings of fear.
HOWEVER, whether the fear is irrational or not it must be dealt with and NOT criticized – by you or anyone else.
What do I mean? Listen to the video or read the transcript below to find out…
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TRANSCRIPT of Make It A Practice To Push Away Fear
This is your three minute morning – Pushing Away the Fear.
For today, we’re going to concentrate on dealing with fear that comes up during the day.
It’s important to remember that not all emotions or thoughts come from a higher intuitive spiritual place.
Sometimes emotions and thoughts come from the noise and static in our energy.
This can be very subtle.
Once you tune in, you can start to feel the difference .
You begin to differentiate between what is a real intuitive voice and what is a noisy thought or a noisy emotion, that’s just trying to distract you from the moment.
And that’s where the real power lies. In the moment.
And more often than not, it’s our internal devices, our own energy, that is trying to pull us away from keeping our attention in the now.
There are many reasons for this, but just know that it’s not your fault. Everyone deals with this.
Some struggle more than others with it. It takes an enormous amount of strength to find the kind of peace of mind that allows you to stay in the moment.
It takes tremendous awareness and subtlety and depth to be able to recognize that your fears are not always substantial.
Sometimes it’s just like a ripple on the water. It’ll pass, and it doesn’t really mean anything.
You don’t have to take it seriously.
The more you push the fear down, the more solid you’ll feel. The more in the moment you’ll be and you’ll start to notice what is a real warning and what is extraneous fear that just needs to be let go of.
So there’s no need to judge yourself for having the fear.
Think of it more as a way to get to know yourself and understand your energy more.
This is hair splitting, and it’s part of maturity, being able to recognize something for what it is, and for what it isn’t, and being okay either way.
So, just for today, whenever you feel fear come up, start to breathe deeply, and push that energy down through your torso, down through your legs, and out through the bottoms of your feet.
This is very important.
If you do this consistently, and with real intention, you should start to feel an energetic shift.
You might feel empowered. You may suddenly feel a lot more alert or you might suddenly start to have an onslaught of very negative thoughts and feelings.
There’s no real way to predict this, but whatever comes up, just keep breathing.
Slow your breathing down, and push that energy down and give it back to the earth.
Think of it almost like peat moss or fertilizer in terms of energy. It’s the fermented matter that’s been broken down that feeds the new stuff so that it can grow.
So I wish you much peace of mind. This is Renee, your Life Force Energy Coach.
Have a very prosperous day.
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