Understanding the Basics
When a coach and client meet for a fact-finding consult it’s to gather information and most importantly build a relationship.
You want your client to see you as a confidante and trusted partner, but also want them to see you as a resource to them, their family and their friends. Being a life coach is multi-dimensional.
These first meetings between coach and client are best run by employing a structured approach and if possible a predictable setting.
The Purpose and Objectives of that First Meeting
The purpose and objectives for that first coach and client meeting involves the following:
1. Gathering Information:
The primary goal of a first meeting is the fact-finding. The purpose, scope, and rules of the meeting are outlined by the coach which ensures the client understands the expectations
Essentially, as a coach, you want to collect relevant information pertaining to the conditions of the client. Why did they reach out to you? What’s most important to them? What are their values? Why do they think you might be a good fit for them? What is their biggest overall goal? What is the biggest obstacle to achieving what they want? All of the questions can and should be asked in that first meeting.
This is the time for the coach to practice Active Listening. Additionally, taking notes are a critical part of this stage to ensure development of strategies that will attain the desired outcome.
2. Establishing Facts:
Fact-finding meetings aim to uncover the truth about a client’s financial, health and life situations. You want to achieve this, as a coach, without being too invasive.
For example, all you need is a general idea of how much money a client has in various accounts and the kind of debt they are carrying. Again with their health and relationships. You really only need a general overview of what they are dealing with physically and how happy their relationships are. These will help you, as a coach, determine a solutions strategy.
3. Identifying Issues and Gaps:
Once you have the answers to the above questions, take a look at where there might be gaps or inconsistencies in the information clients offer. By identifying these gaps and inconsistencies, a coach can determine where the potential pitfalls may occur and develop strategies to counteract that.
4. Providing Clarity:
Fact-finding first coach and client meetings help to clarify the complexities of life strategies.
It too, allows clients to offer their concerns and thereby gives the coach the opportunity to address any misconceptions or misunderstandings. As well as, adjust expectations. This step helps to establish the coach as an authority and offers a better understanding of their service.
Outcome and Strategies
The outcome of the fact-finding first meeting between coach and client serves as a basis for the decision-making on the client’s part and the problem-solving on the coach’s part.
Additionally, it’s often a good idea to involve everyone who may have a say in the final solution. For example, older children who still living at home and are part of the family dynamic. Perhaps a close friend or neighbor who is involved with the client’s life and can be of direct help with the solution.
The key findings and insights generated during the meeting can contribute to:
1. Decision-Making:
The information gathered and offered in the fact-finding first meeting provide a good understanding of what the client really needs from your strategies.
2. Future Actions:
Fact-finding meetings are a way of establishing that the coach is an authority and potential resource for the client and everyone they know. The client should feel like they can contact the agent about a variety of things that have nothing to do with the direct coaching services.
This of course, leads to future business for years to come. Although, the approach really only works if you’re a coach who believes in the longevity of their coaching service.
In conclusion, fact-finding first meetings between coaches and clients are essential to the future success of the coach and client relationship.
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Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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