First of all, what is Karma and why would we want to work with it to have a more creative life? The term Karma is the Sanskrit word for action.
However, karma is not a simple tit for tat as so many who dabble with the understandings of life energy belief it is. There is much more to it. Karma has much to do with any and all action we take, speak and think. This spans over lifetimes too.
You can see how complex this can get and still this is an extreme over simplification. This is not the place to explore the complete meaning of what karma is.
However, you don’t need to know how a car runs to be able to drive it. So, that’s where we begin.
The twelve laws of karma can guide us to achieve the creative life we want if we can incorporate the principles it teaches. See below:
1. The Law of Cause and Effect
This is probably the main and the most well-known of the laws of karma. It’s also known as THE GREAT LAW. This in essence, says that whatever we put out into the universe comes back to us.
“As you sow, so shall you reap” This extends not just to physical actions. This also includes thoughts and emotions. That’s alot. Karma is a bitch.
2. The Law of Creation
Life requires our active participation. To get the life we want, we have to actively create it, yet it doesn’t have to be a perfect path. Creation is a series of connections. Nothing that is physically manifest on this Earth came from a vacuum.
Inspiration comes out nowhere, but not matter. Use that to your advantage. Take action in the directions that support the creation of the life you really want.
Soon, the path will start becoming fuller with what you truly desire.
3. The Law of Humility
To grow, we must accept what is, rather than continuing to resist what shouldn’t be. To reach a higher state of consciousness and create the life we want, we have to stop judging others and especially ourselves. Make no mistake, this is not easy.
It’s probably one of the biggest sources of frustration for human beings. The lack of accepting what is. Bottom line – What you refuse to accept, will continue.
4. The Law of Growth
Everyone knows a control freak. We’ve all been a control freak – even a little – so we all know it’s a behavior that tends to be based on fear. Legitimate fears or not.
The Law of Growth has everything to do with our own transformation not trying to get the things and people around us to change. When we change our thoughts and learn how to dissipate negative emotions then other positive changes follow too.
5. The Law of Responsibility
Taking responsibility for ourselves has a lot to do with self sufficiency on every level. Sometimes physically we may need help at times, but taking responsibility for our feelings and thoughts is our job.
The better we manage our inner environment, the more likely the outer environment becomes more wonderful. To change the outside world we must accept responsibility for the patterns of thought and emotion that we have created inside. That’s how one person can change the world.
6. The Law of Connection
Every action we take contributes to the whole. Science has even backed this up with the discovery of ‘quantum entanglement‘. Sometimes reminding ourselves that this is the case can help us feel less alone in such a huge world.
Each step leads to the next step and so on. Initially, someone must start a job before it can get done. Whether it’s the first step or the last step, neither is of greater significance. All steps are needed to accomplish a task.
7. The Law of Focus
You don’t need to know the slightest bit about what karma is to understand this law. Children know how to focus on a task. Watch a very young child of 2 or 3. When they play with a toy it’s their entire world for that moment. As adults there are many more distractions.
So, we need to train our minds to focus on what we want to focus on. When we can do this on a regular basis we know that there is little that can not be accomplished with laser like focus.
8. The Law of Giving
Living by the values we hold dear must be demonstrated in body and mind. Talk about patience, love, and harmony while acting from impatience, hatred or fear is incongruent and ‘bad karma’.
It’s not just about ‘charity’ or helping someone with their rent or put in a good word for them.
9. The Law of Here and Now
If we live in the past or the future, we are unable to take action in the only moment that action can be taken, which is NOW.
Eckhart Tolle is my favorite go-to guy when I want to be reminded of present moment living. Find him here or on youtube.
10. The Law of Change
I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but there is a cyclical nature to life. As the saying goes, history will repeat itself until we learn the lessons that we need to.
It does get easier when you realize everything – absolutely everything – changes. Constant flux. It’s a given of life.
11. The Law of Patience and Reward
The reason doing work that is meaningful to us as its own reward is so important because sometimes very little on the surface changes.
We need patience to keep pushing and moving forward until something suddenly breaks and we get a flood of customers. Or we finally find a great place to live or got to school.
Yet, if we hadn’t had done consistent, diligent work up until that point, there would not have been enough karmic energy build up to create the break through.
12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration
They say what you put into it you get out of it. So it can be said that the true value of something is a direct result of the energy and intent that you put into it.
If you’re a creative person – artist/writer – to create something of significance you need inspiration. Most often, inspiration comes when we are thinking of making a significant contribution.
For example, sewing a new jacket for our daughter’s birthday, making a great meal for a close friend you haven’t seen in awhile or writing a short story for a contest that has prize money.
All of these examples raise the stakes. So, to gain real inspiration in your life on a daily basis, think and live in a way that is significant to you!
Thank you for reading. I wish you much imagination…
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