Now, I know how difficult this can be.
So, it was really kind of dumb.
That’s part of the maturing phase, to understand that this is just the way it is.
Certain things are beyond our control as individuals. That doesn’t mean you have to like it.
There is a tremendous amount of injustice in this world, and there are so many awful things that happen.
Other people made some bad decisions and created circumstances that we just can’t get around at the moment.
To move forward and to grow spiritually and to mature in mind and body and emotionally, accepting things as they are is critical.
Then you can assess. You can learn, and you can establish wisdom and real knowledge.
Now you can separate what is you, what you can control, what you had a hand in creating, and how you can create a different outcome.
Or perhaps, maybe, you’ll just have to leave it.
So, let’s take a quick example…
Let’s say you have a very noisy neighbor who likes to play loud music several times a week, and it goes on well into the night. It’s disruptive to your peace of mind and to your sleep at times.
So, what does it mean to accept that situation?
Well, it’s certainly not your fault. And it’s certainly not something to like, or even tolerate.
So, there are things you can do, which are in your control.
For example, speaking with the neighbor and asking them to keep the noise down. Talking to the landlord. You may have to escalate it to a police report.
All of these things are not necessarily ideal.
So, let’s say all those solutions you’ve tried multiple times.
Maybe there are soundproof blankets you can put up on that side of the wall, or over the windows, that would help. Maybe on certain nights when you know they’re going to be playing loud music, you can stay someplace else.
You may have to move.
In the meantime, though, it’s very, very important to make sure that you’re accepting what is.
Accepting what is internally.
Try not to resist it as best as you can. While you’re perfectly justified it’s an interference.
However, you’re now creating more tension internally, and it’s doing absolutely nothing to change the situation.
You can now go inward and ask for higher guidance.
You can meditate and pray and ask that the neighbor have a change of ways.
Now, none of this guarantees anything. They have free will just like you do.
The point is, to create more internal disharmony within yourself, through your thoughts and emotions.
By not accepting what is, it only makes everything exponentially worse for you.
And by accepting it as it is, new solutions might come into your thought process.
In fact, it’s the only way that I can. So, I’ll leave it there. I hope that’s given you some food for thought.
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