Coach For Creatives – “The Wendy Rhoades For The 98%”

Coach For Creatives – “The Wendy Rhoades For The 98%”

I’m like you….

A writer.

An artist and creative type.

I’m an energy worker and solopreneur.


If you’re someone who likes to think for themselves and use critical thinking skills and needs an objective, educated opinion about your creative projects and business then


The trouble comes in when people like us begin to organize, systematize, strategize and develop a process for a business or event… right?

Then the thinking gets scrambled.

You ask, “What’s next? How do I do this?”

You suddenly feel caged, confused, resentful and a little desperate.

It’s NOT the “paralysis of analysis” which I think is a silly, over used term.

What I think it is though, is a type of overwhelm.

An overwhelm where the thinking shuts down because the energy of the mind, body and spirit are tangled and bumping into each other.


This might sound like a dumb metaphor, but I can assure you, energy does get tangled and can “hit” against other streams of energy.

And the simple fact is…. Energy is Everything.


So, I get it.

Everyone deals with their own energy.

Some are better managers of their own energy than others.


What I can help you with as a coach, creative person and energetic healer is how to manager your energy and thought process so that overwhelm doesn’t set in.


You will stay creatively focused.

You’ll learn to prioritize what’s really important to YOU and how to navigate the challenges you’re facing in an innovative way.





That the creative brain works differently than a quote ‘normal’ brain.

The neural pathways are not as ‘organized’ in a creative brain.


Unless you had a childhood environment which provided a good balance of discipline and artistic freedom, you probably need some help getting those opposing forces in alignment.


That’s where I can be of great value to you as a Coach for Creatives (Artists, Empaths, Therapists, Healers, & Entrepreneurs)

I have decades of experience in the fields of;

  • writing
  • self publishing
  • audio creation and podcasting
  • massage therapy
  • energy healing,
  • somatic therapy

**Additionally, I’m a trained financial advisor/coach with a team behind me to help you take care of your money and your future.**


I come to this with many intuitive and practical skills to help you manage your creative business.

One of the main techniques I use to help you is by asking you, the expert, questions.

This is based on the Socratic Questioning Method…

Find out more on The Socratic Questioning method here…


These questions will help you break patterns in your thinking and discover more nuanced and in depth solutions.

This process helps you make decisions which get you on the right path… the FIRST time.



I create a space of non-judgement and compassion for my client, whether in person, on the phone or through cyber space.

SPACE is a big factor in developing creative solutions and a truly independent thought process.

I like to think of it as DIVERGENT THOUGHT.

divergent thinking, creativity coach, publishing for creative finane

So, if you’re one of those interesting, creative entrepreneurs who needs help

I’m also a licensed financial professional.

So I like to say;

From money to meditation I got you covered.

To start the process please Contact me (Renee) at:

I’m available by phone or zoom. Physically located in the beautiful state of New Hampshire.


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Discover more about Renee’s work here:

Freelancer Writer

Developmental Editing

Wishing you much imagination…

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