We’ve all heard of Mind Maps and Brainstorming and we’ve probably tried it a few times to.
But — How helpful was it to you and how many more times did you try it?
For most of us, the answer is only a few.
If this is supposed to be a terrific idea for coming up with ideas why don’t more of us use it more often?
I think the answer to that is multi fold.
In this article, I will offer a few possible reasons why Mind Mapping and Brainstorming are really the first step in a creative process of discovery.
Let’s Define It
In a nutshell, Brainstorming or Mind Maps are a visual representation of taking notes.
The visual aspect helps the individual to dip into the abstract. Thereby, pulling more deeply from the imagination with colors and symbols. This can encourage conceptual ideas rather than the more literal ones which stem from written language.
If you’re looking for newer, fresher ways of approaching something then this type of mind map is a good way to go about it.
How To Do Mind Maps
Draw a mind map.
Start by writing your challenge in the center of a piece of paper.
There are several web tools that can help you do this, too. A very popular one is called Free Mind. You can download it for free and is built on open source software.
Surround this word or phrase with associated thoughts. As you do so, you might find you want to delve more deeply into one or more of the ideas.
Continue on by surrounding the new phrases with related thoughts. Just let your thoughts flow. Get them out of your head as quickly as possible. No judgement at this time. That comes later.
What often happens at this point, is that you come up with answers that would never have been made without the random connections.
Mind maps, usually take a hierarchical or tree branch formation when you start to get going with it and branch out into subsections.
Mind maps center on only one central idea. This allows for greater creativity when exploring the thoughts that come during the mapping process. It also allows the individual to associate words with visual representations. This can be very powerful for generating new ideas.
Below are a few key tips to help you get the most from your mind map process;
- Each word/graphic is best sitting on its own line
- The lines should be connected, starting from the central image or idea
- Make the lines the same distance as the word/image they support
- Utilize multiple colors throughout the Mind Map. Use highlighting markers or colored pens. This helps the imagination, as well as, the ability to group thoughts when desired
- Create your own personal style of Mind Mapping
- Highlight the connections in your Mind Map
- Keep the Mind Map clear by utilizing a hierarchy, numeric order or outlines to organize the subsections
Innovation and critical thought are the main abilities we have which set human beings apart from the other creatures on this planet.
I would say that is reason enough to engage in some type of creative endeavor each day.
Not only is it a necessity for the forward motion of the species, but it brings us a lot of enjoyment, as well.
It can be argued that creativity is something that’s Divinely inspired.
I tend to agree and it’s available to every single one of us. Sometimes some of us are gifted in an area of creativity. Most of the time a person has to practice a lot to become good at a creative pursuit.
Daily Practice
Doing a Mind Map is especially useful when you want to break out of stale, established forms of thinking or performing something.
When thinking about any problem during the day, challenge yourself with this simple mind map technique;
Write the problem/challenge at the top of a piece of paper and then set a goal of coming up with thirty ways to solve it. This is just so you have a number to shoot for. It’s not a hard and fast rule.
Make sure you keep the ideas short. These are just quick, bite-sized ideas, not fully developed plans. That comes after the mind mapping.
What will start to happen is that once you’ve covered the obvious stuff, your brain will start coming up with more creative approaches.
Some will be unrealistic or unachievable, but don‘t censor yourself! Wait until your list or mind map is done. At that point, you can go back and assess each point.
A Quick Word On Group Mind Maps
When you brainstorm on your own, you’ll tend to produce a broader range of ideas than with group.
Why? Well, you don’t have to worry about others egos or judgements and can be more freely creative.
For instance, you may find that an idea you‘d be hesitant to bring up in a group develops into something special when you research it individually.
Additionally, you don’t have to wait your turn before sharing your own ideas.
A draw back might be that your ideas don’t develop as fully when you mind map on your own. Individually, you don’t have the broad experience to tap into when working with other members of a group.
I hope this article has been helpful. If so, you might enjoy the following;
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Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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