This is another Tarot Meditation on the meaning of The Fool Card with music.
I like the tarot. I’m not an expert, but I sometimes use them to read for clients and to find answers for myself.
To read the tarot well, I believe it’s a combination of using intuition, understanding the intention of each tarot card and connecting energetically with the client.
In short, TAROT is an art form.
It seems the earliest references to tarot date to the 1440s and 1450s. This is contrary to the general assumption that the tarot are thousands of years old.
The tarot started as a card game. Tarot cards used the standard Italian four face cards—king, queen, knight, and knave—for a total of 56 cards. The fool card was a wild card and there were 21 trump cards.
Tarot is a game of trick taking.
Even though there are many, mostly minor variations to the rules of the game, it hasn’t changed much since the 15th century.
It’s interesting to note that the tarot only became a tool of psychics, fortune tellers and the occult in the 19th century. The currently day tarot has nothing to do with the medieval tarot cards.
So, I’ve created this series of short meditations based on the meanings of the Major Arcana as a creative way to share their significance. I’ve set them to music too. I hope you enjoy them.
TRANSCRIPT On The Meaning of The Fool Card In Tarot
The Fool Card…
The Fool reminds us to recognize the path of personal development within ourselves.
Going within, starting that journey toward deeper wisdom, greater universal knowledge.
This helps energize our forward momentum toward self realization.
The Fool is innocent, vulnerable, curious. He’s always there at the start of a new journey.
Sometimes, he’s there in the shadows, waiting.
He hides in those parts of yourself where you doubt and where you’re immature.
Where you might have some ignorance about life, people, or yourself.
The fool may lurk when you’re emotionally triggered, or when you withhold affection, love, positivity.
If the fool weighs you down, it’s a signal to lighten up. Let yourself be spontaneous. Stretch yourself beyond logic.
Suspend what you think you know about power, control, and even reality.
Let the fool in. Let him guide you, even for a little while.
He has no ambition to manipulate or to steer you toward a specific outcome.
He just wants you to be happy, to be one part of this gigantic whole universe.
Just release your demands or expectations when dealing with the Fool,
and give your complete attention to the present moment.
Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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