Welcome to another three minute morning.
Today I want to discuss anxiety.
A lot of people have low levels of anxiety going on for most of the day, almost every day.
That’s becoming very common in our society these days. I also think our planet is under enormous amounts of strain for many reasons. Astrologically, environmentally, politically, economically and I think human beings pick up all that in our atmosphere, in our energy systems.
So, first of all…
Recognize that not all the anxiety that you’re feeling is your fault.
So, that’s one of two tips I’m going to give you today on how to deal with anxiety.
Much of this is re-framing how you’re thinking about how you’re feeling about your anxiety.
A lot of it is NOT your fault.
However, anxiety steals a lot of life force.
So it’s very important to get to a point where you can emotionally feel calm, you can focus mentally, and you have peace of mind.
The Second Tip to Deal With Anxiety…
That comes to my second tip for helping to deal with anxiety, and that’s breathing.
It’s amazing how a couple of big, deep breaths through the nose and then out through the mouth can definitely get you back to a place of much greater centeredness.
If you add a little bit of visualization with this, it compounds the power of it.
For example, as you exhale, see (in your mind’s eye) any negativity being pushed out down through your legs, out through your feet and into the earth.
It may have a color with it. If there’s an area of your body that is feeling more anxiety than the rest, you can see the energy leaving that part of your body.
Allow it to go out into the ethers, to a place where it can’t hurt you. Release it totally.
Know that anxiety is not yours to own.
Unless there’s an event that has directly triggered your anxiety, that there are things that you can do physically. That there are things you can do in your mind to reframe your situation, so that you don’t feel so anxious.
Then of course, breathing is immediate and free, and works very well.
So, I hope that helps. Thank you for listening, and I wish you a very prosperous day.
Watch the video of this 3 Minute LIFE BITES! Coaching Tip…
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Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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