Many believe that spiritual healing is a wonderful thing that leaves you blissful and serene at the end of it. That’s the ultimate goal.
However, the process of getting to that goal can be extremely difficult and downright painful.
The mind, body, spirit connection is real.
So when one part is damaged and then healed so are the other two parts.
What does that look like exactly?
Well, I can tell you from personal experience, it can be pretty ugly.
Some people say that meditation is wonderful and you’ll feel lighter, unburdened and closer to the Divine when you finished.
That does happen. Sometimes that feeling lasts for a long period of time too.

In my experience though, more often than not, healing is messy and painful.
It’s not unlike the healing of a physical wound. A scab forms, but the area of damage is sore for quite some time until finally, the scab begins to go away. Then you know you’re in the final stages of healing.
So it is with spiritual or energetic healing.
You may find that you have mysterious aches and pains that appear for no reason.
Many of these pains you may never have experienced before.
For example, if you’ve never had knee problems you might suddenly start limping around. This is because you can’t seem to put pressure on one leg for seemingly no reason. You didn’t fall or trip or have any type of accident to cause this.
If you are in a phase where you are actively trying to improve yourself and your life these types of symptoms may occur.
If you also receive energy healing while you are making changes, the likelihood, as well as, the intensity of the physical pain could increase.
As a life coach and energy healing practitioner, these are the types of experiences I see with my clients. I’ve gone through these healing phases myself.
So, I understand the challenges of healing the spirit.

Some of The Physical Symptoms Associated With Spiritual/Energetic Healing:
Symptoms of spiritual healing can vary based on a person’s beliefs, their personal, familial and collective karma and the person’s unique response based on where they are in their life at the moment.
Below is a list of some of the most common physical ailments in response to spiritual/energetic healing:
- Energy Shifts: Sometimes people will suddenly have dramatic changes in their level of life energy. Meaning they will either have a lot more and sleep less or dramatically lose energy. They will want and need much more sleep than normal. These changes in energy should be honored as much as possible. Although it can be difficult with work and family responsibilities.
- Unusual Changes in Body Sensations & Temperature: Some people report feeling shifts in body temperature such as becoming too warm suddenly when the temperature in the room has not changed or have suddenly become cold when nothing has changed. Sometimes people will get a sudden and mysterious tingling in a body part or a strange sensation of energy moving through part of or their entire body.
- Physical Tension Release: Sometimes energetic healing will allow someone to either become more tense in areas of their body or become freer and more flexible.
- Fatigue or Sleepiness: This is one of the biggest issues with energy healing. It can take an enormous amount of life force energy when the spirit is making changes. It’s not uncommon to feel unusually tired during the day and not have much energy for things you normally love to do. Again, this is part of the process and something to honor and pay attention to as much as possible.
- Detox Symptoms: Sometimes developing cold or flu like symptoms is possible. This is a detoxification process. A person may experience thing such as headaches, mild nausea, or changes in bowel movements. This is often considered a sign of the body releasing stored toxins and/or emotional patterns.
- Increased Awareness of Sensations: If you experience a hyper awareness of physical sensations, such as changes in temperature, sound, light or bodily functions these could be signs of energetic healing.
- Emotional Releases: A common ailment when healing spiritually is the release of emotion. So, long crying jags, aggressive angry rants or even uncontrollable laughter may be possible during this time. Dealing with these types of emotional extremes is best done in isolation if possible.
- Changes in Sleep Patterns: Have wild and varied sleep patterns is not uncommon during energetic healing as well. Some people either sleep more deeply, have more vivid dreams, take naps during the day, can’t get to sleep at all or toss and turn all night.
Some or even all of these symptoms could accompany the energetic/spiritual healing you are going through. They are almost always temporary. If they persist for too long, ask your spiritual healer about it. Then if necessary have a medical doctor check it out.
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Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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