Like many of you reading this, I have explored the psychic and spiritual worlds in many ways.
Tarot card and palm readings, meditation workshops, intuition building seminars etc.
It can all be helpful. Yet, it can all be misleading. It can all be flat out WRONG too.
So this post is about why and how to detect someone who says they are a channeler… and aren’t.
They may even be entirely sincere. They may truly believe they are channeling an entity or angel or spirit of someone that used to be.
However, there are some tell tale signs that point glaringly at the fact that most people are NOT channelers.
Why most channelers are not channeling who they think they are.
It might be surprising to know just how subtly channelers are being manipulated and ultimately corrupted.
The biggest reason for this corruption is the fact that most channelers do NOT pay attention to Energetic PROTECTION & SAFETY.

In fact, most energetic healers and practitioners know very little of how to protect their own energy or the energy of their clients.
This includes everyone from Reiki practitioners, to psychics, to religious/spiritual leaders, to channelers, and beyond.
A Channeler, Former Scientist and GetWisdom
I found GetWisdom in the summer of 2019 after 20 years of working with a phenomenal Spiritualist Healer.
GetWisdom is a spiritual healing philosophy and meditation and yes, business.
It’s run by a small group of individuals. It was founded by a scientist and channeler named Karl Mollison. His partners are a lawyer and technology manager, Brian Kelly and Denny Hunt who is their media host, manager and top researcher.
You can find their site is
To make a long story short, Karl and company helped to put a few puzzle pieces of understanding in place for me.
That’s why I became a practitioner of The Lightworker Healing Protocol or LHP for short.
I have incorporated this work into the 20+ years of spiritual apprenticeship with my Spiritualist Healer.
The LHP has helped level up my energetic healing game.
I and my clients have noticed the different the LHP has made.
I believe it’s because the LHP (created by Karl Mollison) emphasizes protection on every level.
This is part of the reason why a trainer will teach a boxer how to protect him/herself before they teach them how to punch.
So, the next time you listen to a channeled message ask yourself this; What are they really telling us?
If it sounds like something you could read in any common self help book… it’s probably a corrupted source.
What To Look For In A Corrupted Channeling
There are 3 things that I have found that seems to determine whether or not a channeler is authentic or not.
The information that comes through an authentic channeler has 3 distinct features;
- It will be the kind of information that you’ve never heard before and it will be very insightful.
- There will be some practical information. Things that we as human beings can do to improve our behavior or thought process.
- There will be some flat out wrong information.
Here is GetWisdom’s GUIDE BOOK that can help you determine if a channeler is authentic or not.
*What I mention here is in no way meant to demean anyone who says they are a channel. I believe they are channeling something. It’s just more than likely not the entity they think it is. What is likely, is that they are channeling wisdom coming from their own Higher Self.*
If you want to experience the LHP for yourself or want to order a session for a loved one find the GetWisdom information… HERE.
Here is a quote from one of the channeling sessions Karl Mollison facilitated from “Source Creator” or what is otherwise known as God or The Divine:
“Every individual has been put on earth with a specific purpose and living up to that potential is a privilege and a duty we have to ourselves and the people around us. The path to enlightenment can be lonely, frustrating, and incredibly challenging—but it’s also fulfilling.
Individuals who are looking for spiritual enlightenment may feel like everything they know is on shaky ground as they separate fact from fiction, but in the end, it’s all worth it as you come to realize the weight of truth.
You have so much power within your being and the best way to use it is by looking for enlightenment and growing through that.”
– Channeled information from Source Creator (God) through Karl Mollison
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Thank you for reading. I wish you a very prosperous day.
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